10. grammar exercises 10 The verb to be in Present, Past, Future Simple Глагол to be в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени

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10.1. The verb to be in Present, Past, Future Simple

Глагол to be в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени

1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be в прошедшем времени.

1. Our engineers (was, were) at the factory yesterday. 2. When (was, were) you a student? 3. Our children (was, were) not at school yesterday. It (was, were) Sunday. 4. Who (was, were) your English teacher at school? — Mr Sedov (was, were). 5. My friends (was, were) in Omsk three years ago. 6. Where (was, were) Mr Petrov at 9 o’clock yesterday? 7. My friend (was, were) not at his office last week. He (was, were) not well. 8. Who (was, were) at the lesson yesterday? They (was, were).

2. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be.

1. Ben … my friend. He … a teacher. 2. I … in my room now. 3. … Tom and Billy your babies? Yes, they … . 4. We … students next year, I hope. 5. … you a doctor? No, I … not. 6. The table … in the middle of the room. 7. This …a computer desk. It … in the office. 8. … those men friends? Yes, they …. 9. Mary … at home yesterday. 10. …your baby in the room when the nurse came? No, he …not.

11.The weather … fine yesterday. 12. My cousin … not at home the day before yesterday. 13. Our friends … in Moscow last week. 14. Nick and I … at the theatre last Sunday. 15. … you at the institute two days ago? Yes, I …. . 16. … it cold last winter? No, it … not. 17. Mary … at the cinema long ago. 18. … you ready for the lesson yesterday? No, I … not. 19. Your summer plans …very interesting . 20. The expedition … in Africa last year.

21. I ….. at home at 5 o’clock tomorrow. 22. We … glad to see you any time. 23. … you … at the university next week? Yes, I …. 24. Who … interested in English?

25. The weather … rainy yesterday. 26. … he happy to meet you last week? No, he …, I’m afraid. 27. There ... a paper on the table. 28. Mary and Paulina ... at the concert last Sunday. 29. It ... winter now. 30. They ... here in a minute.
10.2. The verb to have in Present Simple

Глагол to have в настоящем времени
1. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.

1. He has a daughter. 2. They have a son. 3. His friends have children. 4. This student has a red pencil. 5. These students have English books. 6. Kotov has a good Russian book. 7. We have got a new country house.

2. Раскройте скобки и употребите глагол to have в соответствующей форме.
1. He (to have) two questions to ask you. 2. What flat (to have) your friend? He (to have) a nice two-room flat. 3. Their daughter (not to have) children. 4. Mike (not to have) a son. He (to have) a daughter. 5. You (to have) questions? No, we (not to have). 6. Who (to have) a pen? I (to have). Give me your pen, please. 7. We (to have) a bathroom in our flat. 8. Jane’s daughter (to have) a room or a flat in Omsk? She (to have got) a one-room flat. 9. Nina’s son (not to have) a red pencil. Give him your pencil, please. 10. I (to have) not French books at home. I don’t know French.
10.3. Simple tenses Active voice

Группа простых времён в действительном залоге
1. Составьте предложения в Present Simple, пользуясь следующими таблицами.



Mr Pavlov



home at 6 o’clock.


My friend’s wife




Mike’s friend



get up at seven o’clock on Sundays.



Jane’s children

His wife



your friend

Mr Petrov


this woman

these engineers

work at your office?




your wife

go to the office

come home

get up

at 8 o’clock or at 9 o’clock?








his wife

your son

her daughter

your friends


2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в Present Simple.

My elder sister’s name (to be) Nelly. She (to work) at school. She (to be) a teacher. Nelly (can) speak two foreign languages. She (to know) them well. Nelly (to like) her work very much. All her pupils (to do) well. Nelly usually (to go) to work in the morning. Her lessons (to begin) at half past eight. At 3 o’clock Nelly (to finish) her work at school, but she always (to have) a lot of work to do at home.

My sister (to have) two children. One of them is a boy and the other one is a girl. Her son (to be) 11 years old and her daughter (to be born) five years ago. Her children also (to learn) English. They (can) already speak English to their mother.

Nelly’s husband (to be) a director of a large factory. The factory (to make) different equipment for export. In the morning his secretary (to bring) him the mail. He (to receive) a lot of mail every morning. He (to go) through it and (to answer) it. He often (to receive) engineers and workers from his factory and from other factories. He often (to communicate) with different companies by fax.

3. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму (Past Simple).

1. They discussed the terms of delivery with them last week. 2. They received this flat five years ago. 3. She bought this computer last Sunday. 4. His son went to the nursery school last year. 5. The director of the factory was at our office yesterday. 6. He spoke at the meeting about it. 7. They came home at a quarter to eleven. 8. I sent her a letter the other day.

4. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в Present или Past Simple.

  1. It (to be) winter now. In winter the days (to be) short and the nights (to be)
    long. It (to get) light late and it (to get) dark early. There (to be) a lot of snow in the streets of Moscow in winter. It (to be) sometimes frosty in Moscow, but there (to be) not many cold days here.

  2. It (to be) spring now. Yesterday (to be) my day off. I (to get up) at half past
    eight. There (to be) a lot of sunshine in the room. It usually (to get) light at 5
    o’clock in spring. I (to come) up to the window and (to open) it. It (to be) warm
    outside. Then I (to go) to the bathroom to shave and to wash. At a quarter past nine
    I (to have) breakfast and at 10 o’clock my friend (to telephone) me. We (to decide)
    to go to see my friend’s parents. They (to live) in the country. On our way there we
    (to speak) about our friends and our English lessons. In an hour and a half we (to
    be) there. His parents (to be) happy to see us. We (to have) dinner. Then we (to go)
    for a walk. It (to be) wonderful outside. We (to come) back in two hours and (to
    watch) TV.

5. Заполните пропуски словами и словосочетаниями, данными курсивом, в нужной форме.

to go for a walk, wonderful, on his way, to decide, to be on, to buy, to telephone, a performance, to like, to be over, to take a taxi, to listen to, on the radio, good

Last Saturday Mr Borisov ... in the afternoon. It was spring and it was ... outside. ... he saw a theatre box-office and ... to buy tickets for the Maly Theatre. “A Man from Stratford” ... … on Saturday and on Sunday. But there were no tickets for the Sunday performance, there were tickets only for the Saturday performance at the box-office. Mr Borisov ... two tickets for the Saturday performance. It was already late and he decided not to go home. He ... his wife and she came to the theatre just in time for ... .

The performance was … . They ... it very much. It ... … at a quarter past ten. Mr Borisov and his wife ... … and came home at a quarter to eleven. It was not very late and they had time ... … the news ... ….
6. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму (Future Simple).

1. The contract will be ready the day after tomorrow. 2. I shall phone you in

half an hour. 3. My friend will have a holiday next July. 4. They will make an appointment for Tuesday. 5. The prices will be acceptable to us. 6. There will be a lot of people at the seaside. 7. They will communicate with us by fax soon.
7. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present, Past или Future Simple (Indefinite).

1. I usually (to try) to give a good impression to the people I deal with. 2. I have a nice car but I (not drive) it every day. 3. What questions you usually (to ask) a new colleague or client? 4. My sister (to work) in the Personal Department . 5. How many cigarettes your father (to smoke) a day? 6. What school you (to study) when you were a pupil? 7. Christina (not to attend) classes last week. 8. I (to go) to business trip two months ago. 9. My friend (to spend) his holiday in the Caucasus next year. 10. I think Jane (not to buy) such an expensive bag next time.

11. They often (to discuss) different business matters. 12. I (to drink) coffee with milk and sugar every morning. 13. What programme you usually (to watch) before you go to bed?14. Susan (to work) in the Accounts Department last year. 15. Where he (to go) the day before yesterday? 16. Sally (not/to write) a letter to her boy friend last month. 17. I think, she (to work) in the Sales Department soon. 18. You (to see) them tomorrow morning? 19. Some people (not/to enjoy) pop music at all. 20. She (not/to tidy) her room on Sundays.

21. People in Germany (to shake) hands just as much as people in France. 22. He (not/to do) his homework properly. 23. Business (to become) ever more international. 24. Sally (to read) the novels of Stefan Zweig last week. 25. Terry (not/to know) what to do in these circumstances. 26. What time you usually (to have) lunch? 27. What time you (to have) supper yesterday? 28. I hope we (to discuss) business tomorrow. 29. You (to call) on me tomorrow evening? 30. What does he do? He (to work) as an engineer at a big plant.

31. My parents usually (to grow) a lot of vegetables in our kitchen garden. 32. You (to wait) for me tomorrow outside the academy? 33. German business people (not to like) to be called by their surnames. 34. What your mother (to do)? She is an economist. 35. We (to go) to the theatre last Saturday. 36. They (not/to learn) that poem by heart last year. 37. How she usually (to get) to the academy? 38. You (to invite) a lot of guests to your last birthday party? 39. What films you (to see) last week? 40. I think he (not/to pass) his terminal exams. He is not working hard.

41. He always (to go) for a jog before breakfast. 42. A humorous remark always (to go down) well all over the world. 43. The students (to go) to the theatre last Saturday. 44. They sometimes (to go) to the university on foot. 45. What time you usually (to come) home after classes? 46. I think we (to spend) our next holidays at the seaside. 47. She hopes she (not/to come) late tomorrow. 48. What you (to do) if you meet a stranger? 49. Her friend (not/to meet) her at the station yesterday as he was too busy. 50. How much strong coffee a day you usually (to drink)?
10.4. Continuous tenses Active voice

Группа продолженных времён в действительном залоге
1. Напишите по-английски и прочитайте причастие I от следующих глаголов.

to take, to be, to give, to smoke, to get, to put, to see, to buy, to have, to sit, to write, to close, to cook, to study, to play, to receive, to come, to make.

2. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык.

a) a smiling girl, playing children, a writing boy, a falling tree, a laughing baby, a sleeping man, a walking couple, reading audience, a running sportsman, a developing country, a crying child, a burning house, dancing students, the rising sun, a barking dog, the approaching train

3. Составьте предложения в Present Continuous, пользуясь следующими таблицами.

1. My daughter


His friends

My friend’s wife




watching T.V. now.

2. He

The children

My sister


My sister’s son



playing the piano now.

3. Are

our director



our enquiry (запрос)
the firm’s letter

those cables (телеграммы)

the prices

the terms of payment (условия платежа)

the terms of the contract


Using the Present Continuous in the meaning of future

4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Where are you going on Saturday? 2. Whom are you going there with? 3. Are you going there early? 4. What time are you going there? 5. When are you coming back? 6. Is your director leaving for London soon? 7. When is he leaving for London? 8. When is he coming back?

5. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения в Past Continuous.

1. I was working at my office at 3 o’clock yesterday. 2. It was 7 o’clock in the evening when Mr Frolov came home. His wife was cooking supper and his daughter was playing the piano. 3. My sister was reading a book when I came in. 4. Who was listening to the radio news when you came in? 5. We were not discussing any questions when you telephoned us. We were going through some catalogues. 6. When I saw Peter he was speaking to his friend and smoking. 7. Two of our engineers were translating letters while the other engineers were discussing a new contract. 8. It was getting cold. The days were short already. There was not much sunshine outside. Autumn was coming.

6. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму (Past Continuous).

1. Mr Maslov was answering an enquiry at 10 o’clock in the morning. 2. I was having breakfast at this time on Sunday. 3. He was going through the catalogues when I came into the room. 4. Nina was going to the institute when I met her. 5. My friend was writing his English exercises while his wife and son were watching TV. 6. We were discussing the prices when you telephoned us. 7. I was translating from Russian into English while Oleg was answering our teacher’s questions. 8. They were having their English lesson at 9 o’clock yesterday morning.

7. Раскройте скобки, употребив Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. My son (to swim) very well. My son (to swim) in the sea now. 2. Every year my friend (to spend) his holiday on the Black Sea. My friend (to spend) his holiday in the Caucasus now. 3. How often (to ski) you in winter? I (to ski) every Sunday. Where is Nick? He (to ski) in the park. 4. When I am on the beach I (not to sit) usually under a sunshade. I not (to see) our children. Where are they? They (to sit) under a sunshade over there. 5. Whom (to look at) you now? I (to look at) Ann. She (to swim) in the river. She (to swim) every morning here.

8. Раскройте скобки, употребив Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. When I (to be) on the Black Sea last summer I (to swim) in the sea every day. When we (to come) to the beach our friends already (to swim) in the sea. 2. Yesterday when I (to listen) to the radio my brother (to phone) me. Yesterday I (to listen) to the 10 o’clock news on the radio and (to go) to bed. 3. I (to go) to the office yesterday morning when I (to meet) Mr Sergeyev. 4. Yesterday I (to come) to the office at a quarter to 9. The secretary (to bring) me the mail and I (to go through) it. 5. At a quarter to 9 yesterday my son (to have breakfast).

9. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present, Past или Future Progressive (Continuous).

1. Look! The ship (to float) across the Volga. 2. I am a chief designer, but I (not to work) now. I have a holiday. 3. What he (to read) now? 4. I met Kate when she (to walk) to the university. 5. My kids (not to do) their homework when I came home from work yesterday. 6. What you (to write) when the bell rang? 7. Paul (to wait) for me outside the theater at this time tomorrow. 8. Pamela (not to sleep) the whole night tomorrow, as she is going to take part in the night performance. 9. Can you hear those people? What they (to talk) about? 10. What you (to talk) about when I entered the room?

11. Hello, Pat! Where you (to go)? 12. Paul (to read) ‘The Financial Times’ now. 13. Nellie (to sort out) the letters which need immediate attention now. 14. We (to watch) a new film when the electricity went off. 15. What you (to do) when I met you yesterday? 16. Paul (to have) a daily meeting with his deputy round about 9 tomorrow. 17. What you (to do) at 5 p.m. next Sunday? 18. Where is Mary? She (to type) her daily report. 19. We (not/to drive) fast when the accident took place. 20. Look! The puppies (to sleep).

21. Look! It (to rain) heavily. 22. Paul and his deputy (to run) through the agenda for the day now. 23. Mike (to paint) the walls of his room when he heard a strange sound outside. 24. What is the matter? What (to go) on? 25. What you (to do) when the electricity went off? 26. They (not/to sleep) when I came into the room. 27. Carl (to look) through the mail from 2 p.m. till 4 p.m. tomorrow. 28. Mike (to have lunch) in the company canteen at the moment. 29. I (to stay) at home the whole day next Saturday. 30. What you (to talk) about, I wonder?

31. I see Mary. She (to sign) documents. 32. Why you (to talk) at the lesson, I wonder? 33. I (not/to type) now. I have to make breakfast. 34. I (to walk) along Red Square when I saw Jackie. 35. They (to sit) in the yard when they heard the bell. 36. What you (to discuss) the moment I entered the office? 37. Look! Nick (to make) notes in the textbook. 38. They (to have) management committee meeting at 5 p.m. next Friday. 39. What he (to work) on when I return tomorrow? 40. Listen! “The Beatles” (to sing) over the radio.

41. They (to discuss) the terms of the agreement now. 42. What journal you (to look through) when I saw you yesterday? 43. I (to make) an appointment on the phone at the moment. 44. Look! Such an interesting broadcast (to go) on TV. 45. I (to participate) in the talks from 1 p.m. till 3 p.m. tomorrow. 46. When I first saw Lena she (to play) basketball. 47. Hi! Where you (to hurry) to? 48. What matters you (to discuss) when I entered the office? 49. I (not/to sleep) the whole night as I had a terrible toothache.50. Santana (to make) her report now?
10.5. Perfect tenses Active voice

Группа завершённых времён в действительном залоге

  1. Образуйте Participle II от следующих глаголов и переведите их на русский язык.

To give, to see, to perform, to translate, to forget, to allow, to sell, to prepare, to change, to read, to wash, to bring, to repeat, to pack, to leave, to buy, to drink, to find, to explain, to make, to say, to throw, to keep, to consider, to stage, to dress, to speak, to decide, to equip, to bump

  1. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык.

A broken cup, a translated text, an unanswered letter, an opened window, a closed door, an occupied room, stolen money, a written letter, a fallen tree, a discussed problem, produced goods, a cooked dinner, a surprised man, lighted windows, a developed country, an excited student, a sent fax.
3. Поставьте следующие предложения в Present Perfect в отрицательную и вопросительную форму.

l. We have done business with this firm. 2. She has been to the theatre this week. 3. They have come back today. 4. She has phoned you this morning. 5. They have had a good time. 6. The film has been on since last week. 7. I have known him for ten years. 8. They have lived in Moscow for a long time. 9. We have received two letters from him since he went to London.

4. Поставьте наречия на соответствующее место в предложении.

1. He’s been to London (never). 2. Have you bought this book (yet)? 3. They’ve gone for a walk (just). 4. She has done well (lately). 5. Have you swum in the sea (ever)? 6. The children have not got up (yet). 7. Has it got light (yet)? 8. Who’s telephoned you (just)?

5. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. С какими странами вы заключили контракты за последнее время? 2. Мы только что обсудили условия поставки. 3. С этой фирмой мы никогда не вели торговли. 4. – Вы получили наши каталоги и котировки? – Да. – Вы уже изучили наши каталоги? – Нет. 5. – Ваша контора когда-либо продавала этой фирме горно-шахтовое (mining) оборудование? – Да. Мы с ними вели торговлю два года тому назад. 6. – Этот фильм еще идет? – Да, но я его еще не видел. 7. – Секретарь уже принес почту? – Нет еще. 8. Ваш завод когда-нибудь изготовлял (to produce) это оборудование? 9. Мы только что послали фирме ответ по факсу. 10. Он никогда не проводил отпуск в Испании.

6. Откройте скобки, употребив глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1. How many enquiries from foreign firms you (to receive) this month? We (to receive) two enquiries from a German firm last week. 2. You (to have) a holiday this year? Yes, I (to have) it two months ago. 3. Where are the materials for the talks? I think Mr Petrov (to take) them. He (to come) to the office five minutes ago. 4. What film you (to see) lately? I (to see) “Hamlet”. I (to like) it very much. When it (to be on)? It (to be on) last week. 5. Where you (to be) today? I (to phone) you in the morning, but you (to be) not in. You see, in the morning I (to be) at the factory and (to come back) only 10 minutes ago. 6. You ever (to do business) with Roberts & Co.? Yes, we (to sell) them ten boilers of a new model lately.

7. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения (Past Perfect).

1. We had discussed all the questions when you telephoned us. 2. The director of our office hadn’t yet gone through all the cables and telexes when the secretary brought him some letters from foreign firms. 3. Mr Lvov had left Omsk before I came there. 4. After they had had dinner they went for a short walk. 5. The firm had shipped the goods by the 20th of December. 6. I was in the Crimea last year.

I had never been there before. 7. Yesterday I met Mr Petrov. I hadn’t seen him since we left school.
8. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present, Past или Future Perfect.

1. Mr Jonson already (to discuss) all the business matters and he is going to the plant now. 2. I never (to be) to St. Petersburg yet. 3. What films you (to see) this week? 4. The accident happened after the new bus driver (to drive) a few yards. 5. I didn’t know Mirabel. I never (to meet) her. 6. Eugenie couldn’t lend Greg her book because she (to lose) it. 7. By the end of this century the population (to grow) to three billion. 8. Mike (to receive) the letter by next Friday or not? 9. Galkin (not to look) through the mail yet. 10. I (not to pay) the bill by the end of the week.

11. I just (to finish) my work. 12. He (to look) through newspapers yet? 13. He already (to sell) all his goods. 14. Sally (to sign) all the documents before she left for lunch. 15. Sue (to drive) home by midnight tomorrow. 16. They already (to run) through the agenda for the day? 17. Mr Black (not/to make) an appointment on the phone yet. 18. I didn’t know Clare. I never (to see) her before. 19. The train (to start) when they arrived at the station. 20. Terry (to sew) her new dress by the end of this week.

21. I already (to write) my composition. May I go out? 22. How many pages of this book you (to read)? 23. Mike just (receive) a letter. 24. We already (to tidy) all the rooms when the guests arrived. 25. I (to carry) out all my duties by the end of this month. 26. What you (to do) for your homework? 27. The students (to learn) all the words by the time their teacher came. 28. You ever (to be) to St. Petersburg? 29. We (not/to post) the letter before they arrived. 30. What (to happen)? Why is she crying?

31. You ever (visit) London? 32. He never (to be) to Kiev. 33. Mike (to put) all his things in order before he went out. 34. Don’t call on me tomorrow. I (to leave) by noon. 35. Sally already (to look) through all the letters when I came back. 36. Where he (to hide)? I am looking for him everywhere? 37. The film (to start) before we arrived at the cinema. 38. How much of this work you (to complete) by the end of next week? 39. Why is he crying? He (to hurt) himself? 40. Sue (not/to do) her homework yet.

41. What you (to do) with my book? It is torn and dirty. 42. I (to be) to England twice this year. 43. He (not/to read) this letter yet. 44. After Paul (to read) the papers he left for еhe office. 45. Ann (to write) the novel by the end of this week. 46. After she (to correct) all the papers she turned on the TV. 47. He (to fill) in all the gaps in his test paper before he handed it to the teacher. 48. Mr Jonson already (to have) his breakfast and he is reading the papers now. 49. What you (to do) by the time I return from work? 50. The door is open. Who (to open) it, I wonder?
10.6. Modal verbs. Модальные глаголы

1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения.

1. They must study English. 2. He can play the piano very well. 3. You may

read this book. 4. Must we discuss these questions today? No, you needn’t. 5. Can
I speak to Mr. White? Yes. Speaking. 6. Can your son speak English? Yes, he can.
7. Must your daughter go to school today? Yes, she must. 8. May I sit down? Yes,
please. (Yes, you may.) 9. May I open the window? No, you mustn’t.

2. Составьте предложения, пользуясь следующими таблицами.




My friend’s son




read French.

Speak English.

Play the piano.

Answer your questions.








those workers

tomorrow morning?





- answer this


- do these exercises?

- meet these


- begin our lesson?

- read those letters?

No, you needn’t.

Yes, you must.



that student

Mr. Petrov’s


- open the window?

- take those telexes?

- phone the factory?

- translate this


Yes, she may.

No, she mustn’t.

3. Заполните пропуски глаголами must, can, may, needn't.

1. Ann’s brother … read, but he ... speak German. 2. ... I speak to Mr Sonin? I’m sorry he is out now. ... you telephone him at 12? 3. ... I ask you a question? Yes, you ... . 4. ... we learn thirty-five words? No, you ... . You ... know only the first twenty words. 5. My daughter is fourteen, but she ... already cook very well. 6. Pete ... go to school today. He is not well. 7. ... we write these exercises now? No, you .... Just read them. 8. ... I open the window? No, you .... I am not well. 9. Bob, you ... take Kate’s spoon. Take your spoon. It is on the table. 10. ... I come to the meeting today? Yes, you … .

10.7. There is, there are, there was, there were
1. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму.

1. There is a bookcase in the conference room. 2. There was a telex on the table. 3. There are students in he hall. 4. There were some papers on the table. 5. There are telexes on the desk. 6. There were collegues in the room. 7. There are fifty children at the nursery-school.

2. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be в соответствующей форме.

1. There ... only a Russian book on the table but there ... no English book on it. 2. There ... 15 lessons in our English book. 3. There ... six hundred workers at this factory last year. Now there ... seven hundred workers there. 4. ... there a nursery-school in your house? Yes, there. ... I take my son there. 5. There ... forks, spoons and knives on the table but there ... no cups on it. 6. ... there cheese and ham on the table now? Yes, there ... . 7. There ... a letter on this table. Where is it now? 8. ... there a bath-room in Ann’s flat? Yes, there ... . 9. There ... no shelf in my room. Now I have a good shelf. 10. There ... a tea-pot and three cups on the table.

10.8. Passive voice. Страдательный залог

1. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive Voice.

Model: Houses (to build) very quickly now.

Houses are built very quickly now.

1. Concerts of pop music (to attend) by a lot of people. 2. The post (to deliver) every morning. 3. I (to offer) an interesting job yesterday. 4. What foreign languages you (to teach) at the Institute? 5. The letters (to send) tomorrow. 6. The child never (to leave) alone. 7. His car (not to fix) in time, so he couldn’t go to the city. 8. This opinion (not to share) by most of my colleagues. 9. The job (to advertise) in the morning paper tomorrow. 10. Rome (not to build) in a day.

11. Complaints (to send) to the head office. 12. Two hundred people (to employ) by the company. 13. He hopes he (to give) a visa soon. 14. This room (to use) only on special occasions. 15. Our car (to stop) because we were driving too fast. 16. The work (not to finish) soon. 17. This hall (to clean) every day? 18. He couldn’t get into the house as the door (to lock). 19. The plan (to discuss) at tomorrow’s meeting. 20. Smoking (not to allow) here.

21. The announcement (to make) tomorrow? 22. Why the letters (not to sign) yesterday? 23. How this word (to pronounce)? 24. Wine (to produce) in many parts of France. 25.This house (not to build) a very long time ago. 26. You (to introduce) to the Head of the Department at the last meeting? 27. If you kick a policeman, you (to arrest). 28. You (to ask) a lot of questions at the interview next Wednesday. 29. When breakfast (to serve) here? 30. Trucks (not to produce) at this plant.

31. The last dictation (to write) without mistakes. 32. The talks (to hold) in London next week. 33. The office (to lock) every evening. 34. The information (to keep) on our computer. 35. This house (to own) by the Reynolds. 36. Two holidays a year normally (to take) by the Reynolds. 37. About £ 1,000 (to spend) by the Reynolds on their summer holidays last year. 38. German business people don’t like, when they (to call) by their surnames. 39. The terms of the agreements (to discuss) by them at the last meeting. 40. The detective stories (to read) by Viola regularly.

2. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present или Past Сontinuous Passive Voice.
1. Close the door please, little Jane (wash). 2. He could not do a thing when he knew he (watch). 3. When I was a worker at this factory this work still (do) by hand. 4. His speech (translate) for the foreign guests now. 5. What do you feel when your favorite record (play)? 6. Just this very question (discuss) when I joined in the conversation. 7. He entered the hall in the dark and didn’t understand at first what film (show). 8. You can’t come in. She (interview) for the TV. 9. She had the feeling that she (watch). 10. Some students (examine) in Room 10 now.

11. I wasn’t surprised that he (listen to) with such interest. He is a very good lecturer. 12. What strange sounds! – Oh, our piano (tune). 13. We are finishing the last preparations for the party: the lights (switch on), the floors (clean), the tables (lay). Do you think we’ll be ready on time? 14. When she entered the class-room, the last student (examine). 15. The exhibition (open) when we drove up to the picture gallery. 16. The witness (question) by the police-inspector now. 17. He couldn’t go out as his suit and shirt (clean). 18. You’ll have your copy soon, the contract (type). 19. The policeman noticed that the suitcase (carry) by the porter in a most strange way. 20. You may not come in, the terms of the contract (to discuss) in the conference room now.

3. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present, Past или Future Perfect Passive Voice.
1. The preparations for the party just (finish) and the guests are already arriving. 2. The paper (not to read) by anyone yet. 3. The construction of the bridge (finish) before winter comes. 4. His 1etter to Mary came back and he saw that it (not to open). 5. She didn’t follow the advice she (give) before. 6. When you come here in summer, their house (repair). 7. You ever (teach) how to play chess? 8. I can’t believe my eyes! My book (publish) already! 9. The article (translate) by the time you return. 10. Mr Black told the receptionist that a room (to reserve) in his name by his firm a few days ago.

11. When she returned, the subject of the conversation already (change). 12. The letter (write) long before the postman comes. 13. A form (not to fill in) by Mr Belov yet. 14. Our work for the next month (plan) already. Here is the plan, read it. 15. The newspaper (bring) long before I leave home. 16. Bob failed to prove that the window (not to break) by him. 17. I didn’t know that the letter (lose). 18. By the time Mother comes, the flat (turn out). 19. The work (do) already? What are the results? 20. Letters (type) yet?

21. All new candidates for the post (interview) by the weekend. 22. They (warn) about the danger before they agreed to take part in our trip? 23. He said that he had never been there but he often (tell) about this place. 24. By next summer the new road (construct). 25. I can’t find my car anywhere. I think it (steal). 26. There isn’t any food left. All of it (eat). 27. The telephone (install) in our flat by the end of the year. 28. He told us a story which (tell) him by his grandfather. 29. Do you know that tennis (play) more than a hundred years? 30. The new five-star hotel (finish) by the beginning of the tourist season.

31. The next morning, when I came out, I saw that the streets (wash out) by rain. 32. Shilov’s ticket and passport just (to register) by the clerk. 33. The results of the final test (announce) before the students leave for holidays. 34. When we came to the cinema, all the seats (sell). 35. After the form (to fill in) by Mr Galkin he gave it back. 36. Mr. Nelson (operate on) by the end of the week. 37. I am sure a good job (find) by John by the time he graduates from the University. 38. He went away last year and he (not to hear of) ever since. 39. This typewriter is quite new. It never (use). 40. The old house (sell) by the Browns by the end of the month.

4. Переделайте следующие предложения в страдательный залог (Passive Voice).

1. I bought bananas yesterday. 2. We shall bring the papers tomorrow. 3. They are repairing the car now. 4. They sell meat in this shop. 5. I have translated the whole article. 6. They broke the vase yesterday. 7. When I came home, they had baked fruitcakes. 8. We shall do the work in the evening. 9. He wrote this novel in the 18-th century. 10. They were playing basketball from four till six.

11. I saw a UFO yesterday. 12. Mike has just read a very interesting book. 13. Angela often writes letters to her boyfriend. 14. They had pulled down the house before the revolution began. 15. He will pass his exam successfully. 16. I must do this work in time. 17. She will send a mail soon. 18. We are giving a party now. 19. I brought the documents last week. 20. He always invites a lot of friends to his birthday party.

21. They will launch the racket soon. 22. We are watching a new film now. 23. Nora has just sent e-mail. 24. Victor had done his work before he flew to Rome. 52. I explained everything to him yesterday. 26. We all make mistakes sometimes. 27. They restored the church last year. 28. I think the police will arrest the criminal soon. 29. I broke down my mum’s favourite vase the day before yesterday. 30. You must learn the poem by heart. 31. I left some papers on the desk. 32. Somebody is following us. 33. He had locked the car before he went away. 34. They discussed a very interesting problem at the last meeting. 35. Nick heard a loud noise during the night. 36. They didn’t listen to my point of view. 37. I have lost my gloves this week. 38. We can buy fresh cucumbers at the greengrocer’s. 39. Famous people often visit this hotel. 40. They’ve studied the quotation and catalogues closely.

41. The Chinese invented printing. 42. They will rise the prices soon. 43. The ambulance took the woman to hospital. 44. My mother taught me to swim. 45. They usually finish their work at 4 p.m. 46. They will sack me if I don’t do my work properly. 47. They are building a new bridge across the river. 48. I cannot explain that mystery. 49. She has just lost one of her gloves. 50. The police had arrested the thief before he left the town.
10.9. The Gerund or the Verbal Noun

1. Определите функцию герундия в следующих предложениях.

1. English grammar is very difficult and few writers have avoided making mistakes in it. 2. After staying away eighteen years Oliver can hardly expect us to be very anxious to see him. 3. Being liked doesn’t count so much in politics as outsiders think. 4. I’m sorry for coming like this, without being asked. 5. Even in a situation like this he wanted to think twice before having anything to do with the firm. 6. I can’t make out the reason for going home. 7. It’s no use trying to persuade me. You won’t succeed. 8. Going to concert was about the only thing he thoroughly enjoyed. 9. Roger was born with the gift of winning hearts. 10. Dobson reproached me bitterly for not having let him know. 11. In spite of being busy Brad did all he could to help his friend. 12. Mastering a foreign language takes time and effort. 13. He neither admitted nor denied having taken it. 14. Luke was ashamed of showing them his irritation.

10.10. The Infinitive

1. Найдите в следующих предложениях инфинитив и определите его функции. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. To tell her the news now is to kill her. 2. Julia invited him in to have a cup of coffee. 3. The problem is how to prevent a conflict. 4. I shall try to furnish you with the necessary information. 5. He was the only one to accept that responsibility. 6. I have something very important to consult you about. 7. To live means to struggle. 8. You must be back home at 10 o'clock. 9. The lawyer's advice was to talk as little as possible. 10. He'll be surprised to get your letter. 11. It was impossible to invite them both. 12. We could not find a place to phone from. 13. I've come here to fetch some of my things, not to chat with you. 14. We had nothing to suggest.15. Jill is very interesting to talk to. 16. I asked the driver to stop at the supermarket. 17. He was too excited to explain his position clearly. 18. It costs $2.50 a week to run a motor-bike. 19. She went to America never to return home again.

Учебно-методическая литература

3. Дарская, В.Г. Новый деловой английский. New English for Business / В.Г. Дарская, К.В. Журавченко [и др.] – М.: Вече, 2004. – 672 с.

4. Шкунова В. К., Костюкова И.А. Контрольные работы для студентов заочного факультета по предмету «Английский язык».- Н.Новгород: ВГИПА, 2003.- с.

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