И. Н. Мороз english for it students

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e) Find answers to these questions:

  1. What does the abbreviation ‘GUI’ stand for?

  2. What is the contribution of Macintosh computers to the development of graphic environment?

  3. What does the acronym ‘WIMP’ mean?

  4. What computing environments based on graphics are mentioned in the text?

  5. How do you run a program on a computer with a graphical interface?

  6. Can you give two reasons for the importance of user-friendly interfaces?

5 Solve Anagrams
1) involving direct communication between a computer and the person using it (adjective) ____ACEEIINRTTV

2) a place where smth happens or exists _____ACILNOOT

3) a small arrow on a computer screen that you move by moving the mouse______


4) a row of symbols (icons), usually below the menu bar, that represent the different commands or tools that a user needs to use a program_____ ABLOORT

5) the section of memory that temporarily stores data while it is being copied and pasted _____ ABDILOPRС

6) able to be used, may be obtained ______ AAABEILLV

7) a common boundary (граница) between systems, devices and programs _____ ACEEFINRT

8) the act of looking for data in a computer system _____ ACEHRS

9) to choose smth that is usually on screen _____ CEELST

10) able to work together; meet certain standards _____ ABCEILMOPT

3 The Very First Contacts with your Computer
Unit A Keys and Buttons
1 Vocabulary



to let

to sign


next to



оn the left/right /top/bottom

to the left/right

to arrange



to order

in order to
to vary


to switch on/off/from

to edit


word processing

word processor
to issue

to produce

to combine


for example
to describe


to state


to fix

blank space

to confirm


to lose (lost)
to depend on




to apply


to affect




to highlight
to lock
to adjust


to cancel
to change


to access


to follow




to recognize


a) chose the correct translation:
1) ordinary

a) независимый

b) обычный

c) краткий

d) предыдущий

2) table

a) таблица

b) строка

c) распознавание

d) описание

3) independent

a) независимый

b) обычный

c) краткий

d) предыдущий

4) line

a) таблица

b) строка

c) распознавание

d) описание

5) brief

a) независимый

b) обычный

c) краткий

d) предыдущий

6) recognition

a) таблица

b) строка

c) распознавание

d) описание

7) previous

a) независимый

b) обычный

c) краткий

d) предыдущий

8) description

a) таблица

b) строка

c) распознавание

d) описание

9) to follow

a) запирать

b) производить

c) следовать

d) подписывать

10) to lock

a) запирать

b) производить

c) следовать

d) подписывать

b) Match the words with their meanings:

1) produce

2) combination

3) arrange

4) sign

5) arrow

6) confirmation

7) approximate

8) between

9) same

10) for example

a) организовать

b) стрелка

c) производить

d) подтверждение

e) между

f) приблизительный

g) знак

h) например

i) одинаковый

j) сочетание

с) Match the words with their definitions:

a) access

b) adjust

c) application

d) cancel

e) edit

f) escape

g) highlight

h) margin

i) optional

j) word processor

  1. to stop smth before it happens or before it is complete

  1. a type of computer application program used for typing and editing text documents

  1. to be able to open a file, website, program, database, etc.

  1. to leave an operation, command or program, etc.

  1. that you can choose to do or not do

  1. a computer program or set of programs designed for a particular type of real world job

  1. the spaces at the side of a printed page that do not contain text

  1. to change smth slightly

  1. to mark part of a text with a special coloured pen, or to mark an area on a computer screen to emphasize it or make it easier to see

  1. o prepare a piece of text to be published, making sure that it is correct, the right length, etc.

d) Make up two-word expressions:

1) capital

2) brief

3) word

4) keyboard

5) to access

6) application

7) to cancel

8) to sign

9) alternative

10) blank


a document







an instruction


2 Reading

About the Keyboard
The keyboard is where the data or information is input into the computer. It is usually arranged like an ordinary typewriter keyboard with a number of other keys added which carry out special functions.

  1. Alphanumeric keys: arranged in the same order as a typewriter.

  2. Function keys: used by various programs to instruct the PC to perform specific tasks, such as Save, Copy, Paste, Help, etc.

  3. Numeric keypad: set of numeric or editing keys. The NumLock key is used to switch from numbers to editing functions.

  4. Editing keys: cursor and other keys usually used within word processors to page up and down in a long document or to edit text (using Insert or Delete keys).

  5. Special keys: used to issue commands or to produce alternative characters in key combinations, for example, the Alt key.

a) Match these descriptions with the names of the keys in the box:

Arrow Keys, Return/Enter, Backspace, Caps Lock, Shift, Tab, Escape, Space Bar, Delete, Alt

  1. A long key at the bottom of the keyboard. Each time it is pressed, it produces a blank space (…).

  2. It moves the cursor to the beginning of a new line. It is also used to confirm commands (…).

  3. It stops the program without losing the information from the main memory. Sometimes its use depends on the application (…).

  4. It works in combination with other keys to produce special characters or specific actions (…).

  5. It removes the character on the right of the cursor or any selected text (…).

  6. It produces UPPER-CASE characters or the upper-case character of the key (…).

  7. It produces the upper-case letters but it does not affect numbers and symbols (…).

  8. It moves the cursor horizontally to the right for a fixed number of spaces (in tabulations and data fields) (…).

  9. They are used to move the cursor as an alternative to the mouse (…).

  10. It removes the character on the left of the cursor (…).

b) Match these key abbreviations with their full names:

1 Esc

2 Alt

3 Ctrl

4 Pgdn

5 Pgup

6 Ins

7 Del

a Alternate

b Page Up

c Delete

d Insert

e Escape

f Page Down

g Control

c) Look at the notebook keyboard below. Answer the questions:

1 Which key is between G and J?

2 Which key is to the left of Y?__

3 Which key lets you type in capital letters?

4 Where are the arrow keys?_____

5 Where is the multiplication sign?
d) Work in pairs. Choose a letter or key from the keyboard and describe where it is. Do not say which key you have chosen. Use next to, above, below, between, on the right/left/top/bottom.
3 Listening
The Keyboard
a) Study this keyboard. The keys are in four sections. Can you name any of the sections?
b) Listen to this description of the keyboard in Task 2. Label each section of the diagram:

a) …

b) …

c) …

d) …

c) Study these statements about keys. The verbs in italics are in the Present simple. We use the Present simple to describe things which are always true:

This key moves the cursor down.

This key copies the screen display.

This key doesn't have a fixed function.
d) Look at the statements (1-7) and correct the ones which are wrong:
e.g.: This key moves the cursor down.

It doesn't move the cursor down. It moves the cursor up.

If you are not sure, ask another student:

e.g.: What does this key do?

This key moves the cursor down.

This key moves the cursor to the right.

This key inserts a character.

This key copies the screen display.

This key moves the screen up.

This key doesn't have a fixed function.

This key gives you all lower case letters.

e) Using the information from the Listening on page 18, and in Task 7, describe what these keys do:

4 Reading

  1. There is some more information about the keyboard layout:

Keyboard Layout and Data Entry

ENTER or RETURN - Moves the cursor down one line and to the left margin. Enter also process commands such as choosing an option in a dialog (message) boxes and submitting a form.

DEL or DELETE - Deletes the character at cursor and/or characters to the right of the cursor and all highlighted (or selected) text.

BKSP or BACKSPACE - Deletes the character to the left of cursor and all highlighted text.

SPACE BAR - Moves the cursor one space at a time to the right.

SHIFT KEY - Use the shift keys to type capital letters and to type the upper character on keys with two characters on them.

CAPS LOCK - Locks the keyboard so it types capital letters (a light goes on when caps lock is on)

TAB - Moves the cursor five spaces to the right (number of spaces are usually adjustable). Tab moves to the next field in a form or table (Shift-Tab for previous field).

ESC or ESCAPE - Cancels a menu or dialog box.

ARROW KEYS - Moves the cursor around document without changing text.

FUNCTION KEYS or F KEYS - Access commands by themselves or in combination with the three command keys; CTRL, SHIFT, and ALT.
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