Пакет материалов, рекомендуемых для проведения городских олимпиад по английскому языку 9 -11 классы 2013 г

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9 -11 классы
2013 г.


Этап 1. Listening Comprehension

Число заданий - 5, с учётом коэффициента = 3 (5 позиций * 3 = максимальный балл - 15)

Этап 2. Reading Comprehension

Предъявлено 20 заданий.

Максимальный балл – 20.

Этап 3. Use of English

Максимальный балл – 25 с учётом коэффициента = 0,5 (50 позиций * 0,5).

Этап 4. Writing

Максимальный балл – 20. (Критерии оценки прилагаются).

Время проведения олимпиады 180 минут

Шкала критериев оценивания заданий для конкурса «Writing»

Максимальное количество баллов: 20
Внимание! При оценке 0 по критерию "Содержание" выставляется общая оценка 0.


(за содерж.)


(макс. 10 баллов)

ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ (максимум 10 баллов)


(макс. 2 балла)


(макс. 2 балла)


(максимум 2 балла)


(макс. 2 балла)

Орфография и пунктуация

(макс. 2 балла)


Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена с учетом цели высказывания и адресата. Тема раскрыта полностью. Участник демонстрирует оригинальный подход к раскрытию темы.

2 балла

Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения композиции.

2 балла

Участник демонстрирует богатый лексический запас, необходимый для раскрытия темы, точный выбор слов и адекватное владение лексической сочетаемостью.

Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения лексического оформления.

2 балла

Участник демонстрирует грамотное и уместное употребление структур, необходимых для раскрытия темы.

Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения грамматического оформления.

2 балла

Участник демонстрирует владение жанрами письменной речи. Текст оформлен в соответствии с требованиями, предъявляемыми к официальному и неофициальному письму.

Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения стилевого оформления.

2 балла

Участник демонстрирует уверенное владение навыками орфографии и пунктуации.

Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения орфографического и пунктуационного оформления.


Коммуникативная задача выполнена с учетом цели высказывания и адресата. Тема раскрыта полностью, однако в работе не хватает оригинальности в раскрытии темы.

1 балл

В целом текст имеет четкую структуру, соответствующую заданной теме. Текст разделен на абзацы. В тексте присутствуют связующие элементы. Допустимы незначительные нарушения структуры, логики или связности текста

1 балл

В целом лексический состав текста соответствует заданной теме, однако имеются неточности в выборе слов и лексической сочетаемости, которые не затрудняют понимания текста. Или: используется стандартная, однообразная лексика.

1 балл

В тексте присутствует ряд незначительных грамматических и/или синтаксических ошибок, не затрудняющих общего понимания текста.

1 балл

Участник в целом демонстрирует владение жанрами письменной речи, однако в тексте присутствуют незначительные нарушения стилевого единства.

1 балл

В тексте присутствуют орфографические и/или пунктуационные ошибки, которые не затрудняют общего понимания текста.


Коммуникативная задача в целом выполнена, однако имеются отдельные нарушения целостности содержания. Тема раскрыта не полностью: не приведены все необходимые аргументы и/или факты.


Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично. Содержание текста не полностью отвечает заданной теме или объем работы менее 50% от заданного.

.0 баллов

Текст не имеет четкой логической структуры. Отсутствует или неправильно выполнено абзацное членение текста. Имеются серьезные нарушения связности текста и/или многочисленные ошибки в употреблении логических средств связи.

0 баллов

Участник демонстрирует крайне ограниченный словарный запас. Или: имеются многочисленные ошибки в употреблении лексики, затрудняющие понимание текста.

0 баллов

В тексте присутствуют много численные ошибки, затрудняющие его понимание.

0 баллов

Текст не оформлен в соответствии с требованиями жанра. Или: в тексте присутствуют значительные нарушения стилевого единства.

0 баллов

В тексте присутствуют многочисленные орфографические и/или пунктуационные ошибки, затрудняющие его понимание.


Коммуникативная задача не выполнена. Содержание текста не отвечает заданной теме.

Рекомендуется выведение среднего балла за письменную работу с учетом ближайших оценок разных членов жюри.

Part I. Listening

Task 1

Time: 20 min.
You are going to hear recorded information about the Oyster card, a type of travelcard in London. Are the statements true (T), false (F) or is there no information (NI)?
1 The normal fare for a single journey on the Underground is 1.60.

2 It is more convenient to use an Oyster card than a one-day bus pass.

3 It is illegal to let another person use your Oyster card.

4 A visitor`s Oyster card is more expensive to use than an ordinary one.

5 You don`t lose money on unused credit when you leave London.


Part II. Reading

Time: 45 min.
Task 1

Choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph


1 Knowing the good from the bad 6 The worst kind?

2 Different categories 7 Both sides benefit

3 A difficult distinction 8 How to hear lies

4 Why we need to lie 9 Visual signs

5 Learnt then forbidden 10 Not your responsibility


Can you imagine a whole day without telling lies? 'Yes, of course,' most people would answer, but then they've probably forgotten all those little lies that are said so easily - 'This is delicious.', 'You look lovely in that shirt.', 'I'd love to come with you.', etc. Lying is a way of making life run more smoothly.


We are told not to lie from the moment we learn how to do it. According to psychologist Catherine Brown, this is at the age of about four when children realise they can deceive people. We are not born liars.


In childhood, the line between imagination and lying is often not clear. Children are praised for creative imagination, but generally criticised for hiding the truth.


As adults we have definite ideas about which kind of lies are OK and which are not. Very often the reason for lie is the important thing in accepting or rejecting the lie.


Generally speaking there are three types of lies, and liars. The first sort of liar wants to please people, the second wants to protect him or herself, the third sort doesn't care about other people and lies to get what he or she wants.


If someone is fishing for compliments and you tell them what they want to hear, you probably think it's a 'kind' lie. However, you get something as a result of this lie - affection, friendship, peace and quiet.


When you lie for self-protection, the reason is clearer. To explain your lateness, you tell your boss the train was cancelled, not that you overslept. You cannot be blamed for being late, because you are not responsible for the 'behaviour' of the train and the consequences.


The third sort of lie could be more dangerous. It is, for example, the kind that people tell in order to climb up the ladder at work, without caring who gets hurt in the process.


But what about being lied to? Can you spot when someone is telling you a lie? Apparently there are some verbal clues - lots of ums and ahs - and liars take longer to answer a question. They also speak faster but don't always give the right amount of detail.


And then there's body language. Experts say there are certain things that can help identify someone who's not telling the truth. Speaking through their fingers and putting their hands over the face is one. Playing with their hair or clothes and being unable to stay still for any length of time is another. But the truth of the matter is that we all lie at some time, and if anyone tells you they don't, they're lying.

Task 2

whose politicians do not like
ead the article about the changing lifestyle of the nomadic Tuareg people of northern Africa. Fill in gaps, use the words from the boxes

when it rains

that is, they move around

with their young men gone

so they have to

which has its own alphabet

to which the animals must return

which are raised or lowered

to wandering freely

to control the temperature


Nearly one and a half million Tuareg people live in and around the Sahara Desert of northern Africa in some of the most inhospitable conditions in the world. They are

descended from the original inhabitants of northern Africa, and speak a Berber language (11)______. The Tuareg have a tradition of oral and written poetry, and rock inscriptions can be seen throughout the Sahara.

The desert itself is as large as the US without Alaska. To outsiders, it looks like an impossible place to live, but the Tuareg have learned how to adapt. They are mainly nomadic, (12) _____with their animals between dry and wet season camps.

Three to five families camp together in leather tents, which are dyed reddish brown with earth pigment. The tents are comfortable inside with mats or carpets on the ground, and flaps (13)_____, according to the time of day, (14)_____.

Nature has forced the Tuareg to be nomadic. Rainfall is uncertain and grass or pasture for the animals is uncommon, (15) ______move in order to find food. In the long dry season, families need to camp near a well of water, (16) _____every day or two.

But (17)______, the animals are free to wander widely for a few months, eating well and putting on the weight they lost during the dry season. And as the animals wander, so do the families.

Changes are, however, taking place in this traditional way of life. Since 1969 they have suffered from seasons of little or no rain. Animals and humans have died of starvation. And political changes have affected them too. The Tuareg people were used (18) ____across the land. But their world has been broken up by the creation of newly independent countries (19) ______the nomadic habits of the Tuareg.

As a result of these changes, many young Tuareg men are making long journeys to northern African countries to find salaried jobs. And (20)________, the future for the Tuareg way of life doesn’t look hopeful.

Part III. Use of English

Time: 70 min.

Task 1

Match the two parts of some common expressions to give the meanings shown on the right

1 put up a of the past = it's no longer true, doesn't exist now

2 make b the battle = you've solved 50% of the problem

3 it's got nothing с in some work = give a written task back to your teacher

4 hand d with something = tolerate something

5 for the time e in the right direction = a (small) improvement

6 a thing f a mess of it = do something very badly

7 that's half g time off = be away from school/work

8 pick up h to do with me = I have no interest or responsibility

9 take i where you left off = start again in the same situation

10 a step j being = temporarily

Task 2

Use the words given in capital letters at the end of each line to form a word that fits in a space in the same line

It is always interesting to know what other people think about us. This is 11_____ the case with Russia because our country was closed for most of the 20th century. Russia is much more open to outsiders now.


12 ____ , however, there are still a lot of myths and misconceptions about who we are and how we live. To give an example, 13______ are often under the impression that Russians are cold and reserved. In fact, we are very warm-hearted and generous when you get to know us.


Next, there is the mistaken belief that winters are 14_____ cold everywhere. In fact, the south of Russia has a very mild climate and there are many days in winter when the temperature is above zero, even in Moscow.


Then there are critics of our cuisine who say it is bland and 15______: a diet of bread and potatoes. These people have not tried delightful dishes like the wonderfully named 'herring under a fur coat'. As mentioned above, such myths are understandable.


However, as Russia plays a fuller role in the international community, attitudes will change and there will be less 16______ about our country.


Task 3

What do these abbreviations stand for? Use the words below to help you

17 WWW -

18 http -

19 RAM-

20 DVD -

21 LCD -

22 LAN -

23 USB-

24 MPEG-

25 HD-


Task 4

Complete the sentences using the words in bold
26 If you study more, you’ll get better marks.

THE The ......................... marks you get.
27 Could you turn on the lights, please?

MIND Would ................................. the lights, please?
28 When John left, he didn’t say goodbye to me.

WITHOUT John left ...............................to me.
29 When I was a child, we had dinner with my grandparents every Saturday.

HAVE When I was a child, we ........................... my grandparents every Saturday.
30 It’s a pity the dog ran away.

NOT I wish ........................ away.

31 The people at the party were so boring that we left early.

SUCH There ............................ at the party that we left.
32 The last time I saw Patrick was seven years ago.

SEEN I .................................. seven years.

33 Sheila was late because she forgot to set the alarm clock.

REMEMBERED If Sheila ....................... the alarm clock, she wouldn’t have been late.
34 Tim looks like his grandfather.

TAKES Tim ................................ his grandfather.
35 I’m sure James booked the theatre tickets.

MUST James ..................................... the theatre tickets.
36 It’s possible that we will be given a test tomorrow.

MIGHT We ................................... a test tomorrow.
37 He decided to postpone his visit to the dentist.

PUT He decided ......................to the dentist.
Task 5

Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space

The Yeti or Abominable Snowman is the legendary wild man of (38) _______

Himalayas. This creature (39) _______ been sighted in America, (40)______ it is

known as Bigfoot. The Yeti is a large, ape-like creature (41) _______reddish brown

hair covering its body. Authorities disagree as (42) ________ whether it really exists

or not and a lot of the physical evidence (e.g. footprints (43)_______ the snow,

photographs) have been proved to (44)________ been cases of misidentification or

outright hoaxes. Some experts believe (45) the Yeti may (46) ________ a

descendant of (47)_______extinct Neanderthal man, whilst (48) think it

is (49)_________ undiscovered species of ape. The most far-fetched theory is that

(50)_______ is an alien.


Part IV. Writing
Time: 45 min.
Write an essay in 150 - 200 words in an appropriate style. Give some arguments “for” and “against”, give your own point of view and prove it.

Will life on Earth be absolutely marvelous in 100 years time?


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